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Look up Zephyr, Zéphyr, zephyr, zephyrs, or zéphyr in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. In European tradition, a zephyr is a light wind or a west wind,...


Results for »zephyr«

Noun in English, verb in English

Word origin according to Oxford Dictionary
1) Noun, late Old English zefferus, denoting a personification of the west wind, via Latin from Greek zephuros ‘(god of the) west wind’. Sense 1 dates from the late 17th century

EU trade marks

There are a few European trade marks using »zephyr«

ZEPHYR (10365435), ZEPHYR/5 (10369676), Zephyr S.L.G. Z ZEPHYR (11529931), ZEPHYR (11895547), ZEPHYR (15497936), ZEPHYR (15887458), ZEPHYR (16285462), ZEPHYR GREEN COFFEE IMPORTERS (16397283), ZEPHYR WHITE GRAPES 0% (16418964), ZEPHYR (16768392)

Exact matches 10 total

FontShop lists »Filmotype Zephyr™«
designed by Alejandro Paul in 2012 published by Font Diner

Myfonts.com lists »Filmotype Zephyr™«
designed by Alejandro Paul published by Filmotype

Fontspring lists »Zephyr«
published by International House of Fonts

The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces mentions »Zephyr«

FontShop lists »Zephyr«
published by P22

Myfonts.com lists »Zephyr«
designed by Roger Excoffon published by SoftMaker

International index of hotmetal typefaces lists »Zephyr«
published by Castcraft

International index of hotmetal typefaces lists »Zephyr«
designed by Michael Harvey in 1964 published by Ludlow

International index of hotmetal typefaces lists »Zephyr«
published by Miller & Richard

Myfonts.com lists »Zephyr™«
designed by Andy Benedek published by IHOF

Partial matches 24 total

A free font entitled »Zephyr Jubilee«
designed by NAL

International index of hotmetal typefaces lists »Zephyr Script«
published by Casady & Greene

Fontspring lists »Zephyr«
published by International House of Fonts

The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces mentions »Zephyr«

FontShop lists »Zephyr«
published by P22

Similar typeface names

Zephyr, Zephyrean, MT Zephyr, Le Zephyr, Zephyrelli, Zirphy, Zephiroth, Tephra, Zephyr Script, Script Zephyr

Fonts In Use

Fonts In Use results for »zephyr«

»Zephyrelli« No uses yet
view on fontsinuse.com

»Zephyr Openface« No uses yet
view on fontsinuse.com

»Zephyr / Chariot« 2 uses
view on fontsinuse.com

»Zephyr (SoftMaker)« No uses yet
view on fontsinuse.com

»Zephyr (IHOF)« No uses yet
view on fontsinuse.com

»Zephyr (Harvey)« No uses yet
view on fontsinuse.com

»Zephyr« 5 uses
view on fontsinuse.com

»PT Script Zephyr« No uses yet
view on fontsinuse.com

»Filmotype Zephyr« 2 uses
view on fontsinuse.com

Behance projects 2 total

Typography related projects on behance

»Zephyr - Modern Serif Font« by Graphic Assets in 2020 view on behance.com

»Zephyr - Modern Serif Font« by Graphic Assets in 2020 view on behance.com