
The Name Check Tool uses typeface name information from various sources to validate if a given typeface name is (probably) already taken.

Just because a name isn't listed here, it does of course not mean nobody ever used it before for a typeface and it's free/o.k. to take.

The sources incl. typeface names from digital sources like MyFonts, Typekit, Google Fonts and foundry websites, but also non-digital sources like the so called »Seemann« (»Handbuch der Schriftarten« published 1926 incl. 6 supplements between 1927 and 1939), The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces (Jaspert, Berry & Johnson), Monotype Corp. faces and a list of many faces by American Type Founders.

Besides these main sources many font related Trademarks from the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) are included, too.

fontdata.com is maintained by Lars Schwarz and was launched in 2014.

Missing typeface names

If you are a typeface designer, foundry or reseller and notice that all or some of your fonts are missing use this form to add your fonts or contact me.

Foundry prefixes

You can search for typefaces with or without foundry prefixes (like »FF Meta« and »Meta« will work both, »FS Emeric« and »Emeric«, »ITC Benguiat®« and »Benguiat« and so on ...).

Developers / API

There's an API available allowing 3rd party integrations. Contact me for details.

Font used

This site uses by Lab Grotesque Mono Regular designed by Göran Söderström @Letters from Sweden, tack så mycket Göran!